Described as one of the most "useful portals or gateways for paediatric information on the Internet."
Chosen as a "Selected Website of Interest to Pediatric Neurologists."
"Clearinghouse of informaiton, handouts, and problem-based information for clinicians and parents."
A resource included in their "Recommended Curriculum Guidelines for Family Practice Residents entitled "Care of Infants and Children"
"A large site with extensive coverage of paediatric medical conditions and many links to other useful paediatric web pages."
A resource included as a "Great Website"
This resource is excellent...It is a very useful site if you are looking for resources specific on pediatrics....Great for residents and students...An impressive amount of work..."
"Designed to be a starting point for general pediatrics information on the Web. Find resources suitable for patients and physicians."
"The site is an award-winning digital library that identifies and organizes high quality, authoritative General Pediatrics WWW sites. Information is available on almost 400 common pediatric problems, some of them of surgical interest, plus policy statements, clinical practice guidelines, consumer health information and more."
" identifies high quality World-Wide Web sites using recognized standards. Their collection of websites is exhaustive and updated regularly."
"There are many portals of gateways for paediatric information on the Internet. "...useful portals include"
Two-hundred common childhood maladies are described on this no-frills site. It also acts as a gateway to pediatric information on the Net for physicians, patients, and parents.
"Incredible database of Web sites specifically for the practicing pediatrician."
A "one-stop location for the practicing pediatrician,...."
"A comprehensive resource of journals, continuing medical education, textbook reviews, clinical practice guidelines and separate, searchable databases of conditions for pediatricians and patients."
"the best webpage is characterized by its simplicity to navigate through it. is one of those pages. Its experience and changes over time proves itself as one of the most useful. ...Links are organized by themes that lead to other pages. It does not neglect patients, as it includes an area dedicated entirely to resources adapted to one's needs. Throughout this resource, pediatricians can recommend to their patients a place where they can begin to search for information regarding pediatrics on the Internet."
"There is such an abudance of information on the Internet that navigating its terrain is problematic. Increasing, sites are being created as indexes of multiple websites of interest to a particular population (e.g.
"It includes links to a range of useful resources, including case studies, patient simulations, journal articles, guidelines and other Internet directories."
"A directory of resources on pediatric subjects, [it] has ... 2 great sections, one directed to professionals with 188 topics and the other for patients with 200 topics. This structure is good and results in easy access."
"A comprehensive general paediatric database, created by Dr. D'Alessandro that includes common paediatric health problems, ranging from allergy to toxicology."
"This site has a much smaller database, but the author of this site focuses more on placing the site links into a carefully constructed hierarchy, rather than on offering a flexible database search."
"While the graphics are the same, clicking on a topic yields vastly different information. For example, searching for information on an umbilical hernia, the professional is offered radiographic images, while a patient is presented medical illustrations."
"...another magnificent website, in English, for pediatricians. ... It is an excellent starting point for our search through the Internet. "An interesting digital library in which one can gather information about infant health problems [that is] useful for professionals and parents...."
" is a well-put-together site for professionals.... One of the most useful features is "What's New," which gives updates on a variety of topics.
"General sites that concentrate on a specialty are always going to be popular, and is no exception. This has a wide variety of links that are likely to appeal to anyone who is interested in online paediatric material. This page is a straight but well catalogued list of descriptive hypertext links, but the simple, minimalist approach can be quite effective. Helpfully, at the bottom of the page, the latest revision date is given."
"This site represents a collection of some of the most useful pediatric links organized by topic,..."
"Is a digital library with more than 1,700 links to information about common pediatric problems, textbooks, policy statements and clinical guidelines, evidence-based medicine resources, case studies, professional societies and CME.
"Designed to be a starting point for general pediatrics information on the Web. Find resources suitable for consumers and physicians."
"You can think of Dr. D'Alessandro's Web site as an Internet cheat sheet for pediatricians. The 3 year-old Web site is strictly organized, highly selective in the materials it offers, and concise. All links are maintained by educational, non-profits or governmental organizations and are free. Navigating within her Web site, pediatricians can jump to 47 online textbooks, 35 peer-reviewed pediatrics journals, guidelines from the federal Agency for Health Care Policy and Research, and even electronic CME"
" is a good place to quickly find useful pediatrics links."
Total to date: 2,989,673 pages read by 1,599,369 users.
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Last Revised: January 1, 2025